PrAna is recognized as a pioneer in sustainable fashion, dedicating itself to minimizing environmental impacts and upholding high ethical standards throughout its supply chain. The brand significantly utilizes eco-friendly materials such as organic cotton, hemp, recycled wool, and recycled polyester.
The use of organic cotton is particularly noteworthy, reducing water consumption by up to 88% compared to traditional cotton, highlighting prAna’s dedication to lessening its ecological footprint and promoting sustainable farming.
Hear from Prana’s President Russ Hopcus about why sustainably made clothing is important.
The company also adheres to ethical manufacturing practices, being one of the first major clothing brands to offer Fair Trade Certified products. This emphasizes their commitment to fair labor practices and improving worker rights and livelihoods.
PrAna’s focus on sustainability extends beyond materials, including initiatives to reduce water use and greenhouse gas emissions. They adhere to the Five Freedoms principles for animal welfare and use responsibly sourced down, ensuring animal humane treatment.
The Five Freedoms are:
- Freedom from hunger and thirst – by providing ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor.
- Freedom from discomfort – providing an appropriate environment, including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
- Freedom from pain, injury, or disease – prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
- Freedom to express normal behavior – providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and company of the animal’s kind.
- Freedom from fear and distress – ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering.
Additionally, prAna has significantly reduced plastic use by eliminating millions of polybags from their waste stream.
Their sustainability efforts have earned prAna a “good” environmental rating from Good On You, a platform that evaluates the sustainability practices of fashion brands. Although prAna is praised for its environmental actions, there are opportunities for improvement in labor practices, as indicated by its labor rating.
prAna’s approach to sustainable business is robust. Its solid commitment to using eco-friendly materials, ethical production methods, and comprehensive environmental initiatives shows substantial dedication to sustainability. However, some aspects could still be enhanced.
Is prAna Ethical?
prAna’s commitment to ethical practices is evident through its rigorous adherence to fair labor standards and its dedication to worker welfare. As one of the first major clothing brands to offer Fair Trade Certified products, prAna ensures that workers in its supply chain receive fair wages, work in safe conditions, and access resources that enhance their livelihoods. This commitment to fair labor practices reflects prAna’s overarching goal of creating a positive social impact alongside its environmental efforts.
Additionally, prAna’s dedication to ethical animal treatment is demonstrated through their adherence to the Five Freedoms principles, which guarantee humane animal conditions in their supply chain. By focusing on ethical sourcing, including responsibly sourced products, prAna upholds high animal welfare standards, further cementing its position as an ethically conscious brand.
Interested in seeing more product spotlights? See our latest collection of prAna clothing products, which includes all their latest drops and our favorite selections.